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Remind tips


1.  Decide whether you prefer to receive/send messages via text or the Remind app.


A. SMS/Text Message:

i. Send the join message from your child's teacher or coach (example: @------) to 81010.

ii. Once the message reply comes through, make certain to save the number to your Contacts so you recognize the number when future messages are received.


B. Remind App



Download iOS




Android App



i. Create your account or Login.

Link to Signup online.

Please note, this tool works best for effective communication when linked to a parent or guardian's phone versus only an email account!

ii. Click JOIN CLASS: add the Class Code provided by the teacher or coach.


2. Troubleshooting:

1. Check System Status

2. Merge two accounts.





3. How to OPT OUT of a class or classes: