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MN Student Data Privacy Notice

MN Student Data Privacy Notice


District 564 is committed to high quality instruction with the use of technology in order to meet
the needs of all of our students. Web-based learning resources are increasingly being used to engage
students and improve student learning outcomes.


In accordance with HF 2353: MN Student Data Privacy Law, District 564 has adopted the following online tools for the current school year.


Because these tools potentially involve online storage of student school work and/or the collection of
personal information from students under the age of 13, the school requires written parental/guardian
consent for students to use this site. Requests to use online tools for grades K-8 will continue to be covered annually through our Google Apps for Education (GAFE) Permission Slips. In addition, classes might use other digital resources not on this list, which do not collect personally identifiable data.

New tools arise every day. We continually evaluate technology tools to ensure they are appropriate and
safe for our students’ ages, grade levels, and are relevant to their learning. If additional tools are identified & planned for future use, a separate notice will be sent to you. We want you to be aware of these tools so you can share in your child’s learning.

Should you have any questions on this matter, please contact our District Technology Integrationist: or 218-681-8813, ext. 2234.

Otherwise, scroll to view the entire list here. -->