Lincoln Volunteer Program
Let's make a difference!
The Volunteer Program at Lincoln High School needs you!
Lincoln High School has many opportunities throughout the school year for volunteers to gift their time and talents. Whether you volunteer one, twice, or on a regular basis throughout the year, each and every volunteer is a valuable resource!
The following are some of the volunteer opportunities available at Lincoln:
- 1:1 Laptop Handout - Late Summer
- Freshman Orientation
- Vision and Hearing Screening
- College Application Day
- Mock Interviews
- Math League Volunteers
- Speech Meet Volunteers
- Science Fair
- Guest Speakers
- At-home volunteer
- Classroom projects
- Cleaning Trophy Cases
- Band, Choir, & Orchestra Concerts
- Fall Play Volunteers
- Track Meet Volunteers
- 1:1 Laptop Collection - Spring
Please contact us using the information below if you are interested in volunteering at LHS!
"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, they just have the heart."
~ Elizabeth Andrew