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Thank you for saying “yes” and welcome to a very important part of our ISD #564 educational team – our volunteer family! We sincerely appreciate your gift of time and talents in assisting with our school’s purpose: educating our youth. We know your involvement will greatly enhance our student’s learning, while our district staff will appreciate the “extra pair of hands”. Please enjoy your time with the students – that is what being a volunteer is all about!


The role of the volunteer from school to school varies, however, the purpose of the volunteer within Independent School District #564 remains constant:

The general purpose of the school Volunteer Program is to enrich and enhance the student’s curriculum and to strengthen school to community relations through engagement of our community.


ISD #564 strives to provide a safe, healthy and supportive environment for students, staff and volunteers. The following are guidelines and strategies to help you:



Confidentiality - Any information you learn at school about students or adults is confidential. Volunteers cannot discuss the performance, actions or any other information about a student, except with the teacher, school counselor or principal. This is not only an ISD #564 policy, this is mandated by federal statute: The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 34 CFR Part 99. A misplaced comment can be devastating to the student, family, school district and volunteer program.

Anti-Bully Policy - The Department of Education mandates we notify our school volunteers about the ISD #564 Anti-Bully Policy. An act of bullying is prohibited on school district property. A safe and civil environment is needed for our district children to learn, grow and succeed. All possible bullying incidents must be reported immediately to a staff member. A complete policy is located on our school website at

Safety Protocols - Your coordinator will discuss the following safety protocols with you:

  • Tornado Protocol
  • Fire Protocol
  • Medical Lockdown Protocol
  • Lockdown Protocol
  • Evacuation Protocol

Additional  Guidelines -

  • Restrooms: Volunteers must use designated bathrooms in buildings.
  • Sign-in Book and Badges: For safety purposes, volunteers must sign-in and wear name badges.
  • Cell Phones: Please put your phone on vibrate mode when volunteering. Ringtones, conversations or texts are disruptive to the learning environment.
  • Pictures: Please be aware that some students have photo restrictions; this means their parents have formally requested they not be photographed at school or school activities. If you take photos, verify that students you photograph do not have photo restrictions; teachers have this information. Do not post photos of students on your personal social media, but please share your pictures with the classroom teacher(s)/administrator(s).



  • Follow the teacher’s lead. Keep the student headed in the direction set up by the teacher/staff member. Hold them to the same standards of behavior and/or work. If you are uncertain about directions, please ask questions.
  • Learn names and use them often. Using a student’s name helps to develop a working relationship. Also, when working with a student, introduce yourself.
  • Classroom discipline. Discipline is not a volunteer’s responsibility. If a behavior is not dangerous to the child or others, try restating the expectation in a positive way. Use phrases such as: “It’s time to sit down and work on your reading” or “You are doing a great job waiting, you will be next”. If the student is not responding to your reminders, ask the teacher or staff member to handle the situation. Just a reminder - we must never put our hands on a child.
  • Set the climate. A friendly, relaxed attitude creates the best atmosphere for learning.
  • Allow students to be themselves. Every student is unique. Make each one feel that he or she is an important, special person. Treat each student with respect.
  • Be a positive role model. Always dress, speak and behave positively and professionally. This will allow students to learn appropriate behavior from someone they look up to! Your example is your biggest influence.
  • Keep your commitment. The students and staff will expect you and look forward to you coming. If you know you are going to be gone, tell them in advance. If you are ill, please contact the main office at school to inform your teacher.


We look forward to your partnership in our schools and value the impact you will have on our students and staff! Thank you once again!


I have read and understand the Volunteer Guidelines. I will conduct myself in a professional manner, to promote the interest and education of our school district children and staff. I will not disclose any confidential information that I may have access to as a result of my volunteer assignment.


VOLUNTEER NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

CITY: __________________________________________________________________  STATE: __________________________

PHONE/CELL  #: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

EMERGENCY CONTACT (NAME AND NUMBER)_____________________________________________________________________

SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________________________ DATE: ___________________

Volunteer Image

Volunteer Image