Source & More Information: MDE
For students to meet criteria and receive special education services in Minnesota under the disability category of Emotional Behavior Disorders (EBD), students must demonstrate behavioral consistency by having an established pattern of one or more of the following emotional or behavioral responses:
A. withdrawal or anxiety, depression, problems with mood, or feelings of self-worth;
B. disordered thought processes with unusual behavior patterns and atypical communication styles; or
C. aggression, hyperactivity, or impulsivity.
The established pattern of emotional or behavioral responses must adversely affect educational or developmental performance, including intrapersonal, academic, vocational or social skills; be significantly different from appropriate age, cultural or ethnic norms; and be more than temporary, expected responses to stressful events in the environment. The emotional or behavioral responses must be consistently exhibited in at least three different settings, two of which must be educational settings, and one other setting in either the home, child care or community. The responses must not be primarily the result of intellectual, sensory, or acute or chronic physical health conditions. See the complete criteria checklist in Minnesota Rules.